Init, creates a new game. Ask for players’ names. Displays the board.
var p1 = window.prompt("First player's name", "P1");
var p2 = window.prompt("Second player's name", "P2");
var game = new ConnectFour (p1,p2);
$('#message-pane').html( game.currentPlayer() +
', your turn. Click/tap on column where you want to drop your disc.');
$("#board").on("click", ".column", function(e) {
var index = $(this).index();
var status = game.dropByCurrentPlayer(index);
if ( status === 'column-filled' ) {
Column is already filled!
$('#message-pane').html( game.currentPlayer() + ', try some other column !');
} else if ( status === 'all-columns-filled' ) {
All Columns are already filled! Time for new game.
$('#message-pane').html('Game Over. Nobody Wins :(');
game = new ConnectFour (p1,p2);
} else if ( status === p1 || status === p2) {
Game over. Show message with result and starts new game. Also, halts the view for user to see the end status just after win.
$('#message-pane').html('Game Over. Winner is ' + status + ' !' +
' Click on any column to start a new game.');
setTimeout( function() {
game = new ConnectFour (p1,p2);
} else {
Continue, display the message wrt to whose turn it is
$('#message-pane').html( game.currentPlayer() +
', your turn. Click/tap on column where you want to drop your disc.');
Re-Display the board